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SFX and weighted skeletal animation

Friday, August 16th, 2024 by Holey Moley at

Exit: Special Effects

I’m happy to announce 2 new releases have been published. The current release is a foray into opening up Sword of Moonlight’s SFX system to tinkering and sharing. The previous release went unannounced, but I just want to add that it adds a new kind of animation called skin or weight animation, that allows for animation that is somewhere in between the two other animation types, by combining skeleton based animation with the appearance of soft or continuous skin, instead of hard body parts that do not deform.

To “democratize” the SFX system, there is now a DATA/SFX/PROF folder with a new kind of profile that represents a single entry in the classical SFX.DAT table. In addition these profiles can assign models and sound effects (only primaries) that aren’t restricted to 4 digit file names. There aren’t any new features added other than to hopefully make it possible to design SFX profiles and share them and use custom file names for this purpose. Finally a new SFX.DAT table is generated, and stored in your PARAM folder, along with an SFX.PRO file that contains these extended file names.

Continued: SFX and weighted skeletal animation

Forum Discussion

Shadow work

Sunday, July 7th, 2024 by Holey Moley at

Exit: Light Work

I kid with my schizophrenia that we do “shadow work” and “light work”, meaning I feel like my brain is a nursery school for pod people, implications unknown. These sound like Jungian and New Age terms, but shadow work can also mean things like homemaking (unpaid labor) or anything we do for commercial companies on our own behalf in order to save them the expense. Light work just means I try to not work too hard. I.e. lightly.

I haven’t been blogging here enough. Everything in my life is complicated and grueling now. I can’t remember what all is in the latest release of SomEx here, but I know it has animated shadows for NPCs now. And I’ve just worked on a patch that shows elements in SOM_MAP’s main screen, and it will let you copy/paste and rotate them from that screen, with full, unlimited undo support. I’ll try to remember more things in the forum.

Forum Discussion

Long time no see!

Friday, May 17th, 2024 by Holey Moley at

Exit: Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia has been making everything in my life twice as hard for about 1.5 years now. I’m sorry to apologize for my infrequent blog posts ever since this condition entered/interrupted my (old) life.

I want to make this a statement, but I’m still trying to make progress on Sword of Moonlight. I’m writing to formally announce there’s a new SomEx “release” available/uploaded. It’s focused on variable speed animation, enabling playback on monitors with higher than 60hz frame rates. The first-person arm animations are now timed according to the power gauges. There’s also a patch that adds multi undo and redo to SOM_MAP.

My schizophrenia is telling me I should try to explain how it affects my life. I or “we” live with constant talking “voices” that are like psychic communications, and mine are dialogues, where I’m able to interrupt them, and they’re able to understand what I’m thinking about what they’re saying, and adjust their “dialogue” accordingly. I have experienced audiovisual hallucinations, but they are infrequent. We are depressed to some degree most of the time. I’m taking a small dosage of “prozac” and several drugs in total. I’m not experiencing behavioral problems. I’m trying to remain stress free for my health and longevity. I’m lying down as I need to. I’m mostly getting up to do things when I reach a point of feeling disgusted with myself, my inactivity rather prompts me to get up and do something, and lie back down. My finances and independence are helped by SSI in the US. I will be receiving a full amount of assistance beginning on August 1. In light of all of this you can still support me and Sword of Moonlight on my Patreon. I’m not really a low-energy person now, however my lifestyle is touch and go, and probably less productive. I’ve enjoyed talking to my voices, because I like to talk, and I find most people don’t want to talk. I’m always looking for a silver lining. They’re currently excited that we’re going to my cousin’s wedding tomorrow. They want everyone to know that! (They think my blog posts here aren’t personable enough!!)

So PLEASE check out SOM and try out the map editor with full undo/redo. It also draws more smooth now too!


Forum Discussion

Something old, something new...

Thursday, August 17th, 2023 by Holey Moley at

Exit: Iconic

Since last seen I’ve put finishing touches on the new tile icon generation system and the old tile system too. The latter is now accessed by pushing the slider bar in the map editor to the very top. The slider can also now be used to fade out the grid lines and to fade in direction arrows.

There’s many more additions mentioned in a wrap-up address inside the Discussion forum. The advanced profile editing tools can now be left open while working, and the Alt key works with clicking to open a 3D model editor. The parts editor tool now has a UUID system shoehorned into the icon field. This works because the old style icons are secondary to computer generated icons. The art system also uses this icon generation system on everything else so its “shortcut” files display a thumbnail graphic. I want to add that a whole lot of work has gone into all of this. The new map icons fill in the space between the grids and include a 2 pixel border for shadow highlights. Getting everything right took weeks.

Continued: Something old, something new…

Forum Discussion

Coming up for air...

Saturday, June 10th, 2023 by at

Exit: Drowning

Before I begin I’ve been in the habit of hiding past posts of late. The current most recent post dates back to April last year. I’m sorry. Anyone paying attention to me will have seen me going through a lot of contortions concerning my lifestyle and life course. Right now I have a kind of semi-benign schizophrenia that doesn’t interfere with my ability to think, however it disrupts my life a lot. I’ve been trying to cover my tracks.

I’m currently trying to tie up unpaid work on Sword of Moonlight in order to try to begin publishing a paid “early access” version. I haven’t had success with a Patreon model thus far, but I want everyone reading this to join me at and a new alternative called SubscribeStar I’m just starting out setting up.

In all these unpublished posts I’ve done some difficult work on order-independent transparency and most recently I’ve completed the new art import system by making icons be generated by default when making use of the art system. A preview is here showing how shading and lines are used to distinguish otherwise identical tile models.

Continued: Coming up for air…

Forum Discussion

Passing between worlds

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 by Holey Moley at

Exit: Nonstop

An important milestone has (finally) been reached by Sword of Moonlight by realizing the original King’s Field single environment experience of no “loading screens” after hopping into the game. This is something King’s Field fans always gloat about since it was pretty novel back in the day, and even to this day lately I’ve played a little bit of some PlayStation 4 games and am finding myself shocked how much of the time is really just spent on minutes long loading screens. In my opinion I would happily remove the high fidelity visuals in these games for practical seconds long loading screens. Of course, no load screens would be ideal.

Continued: Passing between worlds

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