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Extended Warranty

Because the Getting Started page runs long, in order to keep it to a single page its comments have been moved to here – lest they run longer than the Sword of Moonlight theme itself! So if you need to sound off or have something to add, this is the place to do so. You may also feel more comfortable using the forums. Don’t hesitate to make use of either or both.

Hopefully this page will fill up with odd bits of wisdom and links to all kinds of resources.

2023: I’ve put all past comments in the trash, for all pages, assuming no one misses them.

Helpful hints

Setup.bat may not complete because a regedit.exe popup window may get stuck behind your foreground window. In this case the Windows Registry will not contain a section for SOFTWARE/FROMSOFTWARE/SOM/INSTALL and when you update components the message “Failed to write stat for X.exe” will appear until this is fixed by finding the lost window or running Setup.bat again.

Antivirus can get in the way of tool theme packs. These are EXE files extracted to %TEMP%\\xtool. A quick fix for this is to extract the theme pack ZIP file so that it becomes a directory in the same folder, and manually set the path to that theme pack to the path to that folder.

4 Responses to “Troubleshooting”

  1. Some guy says,

    When I attempt to run the setup file after checking out the repo, I get “Please don’t use ‘Run as administrator’ and try again.” The only account on my computer is administrator level. Is there something in the setup that is dangerous for administrators but somehow functions safely for standard users?

  2. says,

    Hi Some Guy, RE “Administrator” if you are using the actual Administrator account itself, you can edit the scrips to remove this check. This is a new check to catch those who fell they should use Ran As Administrator to run these scripts, which is incorrect. Sorry this gotcha!!

  3. Another guy says,

    So whenever I reach the end, and everything is downloaded, the software is in Japanese. Why is this? I thought I did everything right with the install.

  4. says,

    It should pull up a theme pack window to choose English from. If not, open SOM.exe (“Dragon Sword”) and choose Tools->あ/A.

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