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Sword of Moonlight
Single file download

Okay, people have always asked me to make this available as a single download. Problem is, you’re still going to want to use TortoiseSVN to Update this folder, and you still have to run Setup.bat and Start.bat and update your DLL files. And you’ll be asked to update multiple DLL files, but it will look the same if you don’t read the fine print. Now, problem is if I just put this file on my server it might get downloaded by web crawlers, so what you need to do is add to to download this file. This file won’t be updated for minor releases.

Note for newbies, is an install guide, and you need to know that making custom 3D art is going to be a challenge for you, you’ll have to talk in the forums or r/KingsField Discord to get advice for advanced things. Also SOM uses a grid based level design, which may seem archaic, but it’s actually very good for rapidly designing your project, and you may find that it will make your game more regular and easier for players to navigate.

Also I’m working on a new guide here ( and 3D art wise, you can open the MM3D files with this ( modeling software that’s specially for new versions of Sword of Moonlight “Ex” that use a custom MM3D format. This art system is new, and is designed to automatically convert your art files to the runtime formats as soon as you “save” them.

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