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Messages - Holey Moley

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Devs / Re: SOM_MAP icons: new "art system" progress in 2023
« on: August 14, 2023, 07:23:33 PM »
Release (SVN Update or Checkout)

Heads up! I got a new release up. I'm trying to figure out how to promote it. In the meantime, what you need to know is I've put the language pack files in the Subversion repository, so they don't have to be downloaded. This may be a mistake. It will have to be kept up-to-date. It's a simple/obvious solution for now. I've also removed the .svn (Subversion) folder from the direct download link on the new Download page ( This makes the download much smaller, but what I'm thinking about is removing all traces of source code, because I'm using Github to store my source code now, privately. For this reason I may at anytime swap out the existing Subversion repository for a reset repository, back to Revision 1. This will wipe source code out of the downloads here.

I ask that you don't share source code if you have it from past downloads.

THE NEW RELEASE focuses on the icons you can see in the previous posts. I don't know if that is in the previous release or not.

The slider that sits beside the palette area is now used to fade out the grid, and fade in arrows, and when set to the very top, it restores the original icon system. The original system is better for setting up ramps, and may be better for work in general.

There's also a new system for assigning the original icons to new tiles, because it's only meant to provide contrast when working now. This new system also (finally) provides a UUID for every map piece that's stored in the icon field. It provides 3 settings, a prefix, a 4 digit number, and a hue setting.

The remaining 22 characters store a UUID generated by Windows, in base64 format. The editor for this is PrtsEdit. The hue is selected automatically, and is a little bit enhanced from the original values. There are 8 settings, ROYGBIV for the color of the rainbow, and 1 setting that doesn't augment hue, which the exterior sets utilize.

I don't know if I've said so, but the tools like PrtsEdit now can remain open while you work, and Alt+Click works to open 3D models into MM3D or their file association. Alt+Click also works to open the icons into your systems image processor for BMP files.

The icons are now 21x21 plus a 2px border for shadows. They expand in the palette to show all of them, and this exactly happens to fill out the palette region perfectly (so everything looks neat and tidy) based on a 17px scrollbar.

I think 17px is standard now unless your system adjusts the size, which is might if you use DPI. If there isn't room the icons aren't expanded. The original icons fill out 21px by adding a little dark shadow underneath and to their right, that makes them pop out in a cool way.

All of the PRT files are edited for icons and UUIDs and I've touched up the diagonal icons so they're pixel perfect. All the SND files have been replaced by WAV files, and SOM_SYS has new buttons for playing individual sounds on its final tab.

The "Illumination" field in SOM_MAP is now functional. When the overlay is displayed the slider remembers the old settings but is used to fade the overlay between blending the BMP image when high, and shading the colors when low. The shading model shows you what colors to expect in the game when using the overlay for lighting.

There are 2 new buttons in SOM_MAP for showing checkpoints and arrows. Arrows show you how tiles are rotated.

My schizophrenia wants me to tell you that we worked really hard on generating icons. I can't begin to explain how much time and consideration went into it. It doesn't want me to publish source code for these icons. They need to be mirror symmetric, and that took a lot of experimentation. It wouldn't really make sense to render the map with the 3D models themselves, from top-down. It's tempting to try that, but it won't be symmetrical with rotation, so icons are necessary.

In the end I had to settle on a kind of shading that can show the 0.5 ramps in the exterior set, which aren't visible in the image in post/Reply #1. This requires flattening the shading almost as much as possible. The end effect is very smooth but doesn't have a lot of definition unfortunately. It also tends to look pixelated, but I think that's just how the lighting normals are when not smoothed, which isn't possible with icons.

I think it might be possible to do a hybrid rendering using 3D models for shading and lighting in the future. It wouldn't be worth it for shading, but seeing the map lit (including vertex shadows perhaps) might be worth it. It is possible to see the map lit with the Illumination setting. The "RGB" and other buttons are still disabled and unusable, so the illumination maps can only be edited outside of SOM_MAP. I don't recommend Microsoft Paint, but that's about how. (I use

The new grid is translucent. Note, I've got the selection window working on all views, but it currently can still only copy/paste on the main view. I'm trying to put time aside to work on something like Pumpkin Paster in the near term (

I have schizophrenia now, and I have all year. I might seem weird to talk about it too much, but it's helped me a lot on this release. In the past releases I've struggled against more than it's helped, but it was trying to help me then too. Schizophrenia is characterized by voices in our head that's sometimes called hallucinations. I don't consider them that though, because schizophrenia also comes with real hallucinations, and these come very seldomly in my case, that I know of. My hallucinations are "adaptive" and real-seeming, they seem to want to help me out. I wouldn't mind having hallucinations more frequently, but for months now I've settled into schizophrenia mainly dominated by voices/people (people like voices) and dreams, and less so visions, even though my life was thick with visions for months too. They don't happen now. And it isn't all fun/help either, it is a real disability, since my mind is always divided, and it messes with my ability to take interest in things, I'm no longer Mr. even keel like I was before. My life before was characterized by a certain "state of grace" but now it's constantly interpenetrated by somewhat cacophonous "voices", which I might say seem like people, with souls, and conscious awareness. I'm applying for SSI disability and hoping I can make an income with SOM to retire early with SSDI. These are US Social Security programs. I'm hoping if I can get these I'll be more socially upward mobile in the near term. In the time that follows I want to continue to ask everyone to join my Patreon and SubscribeStar efforts, and I'm trying to use either Steam or GoG with SOM, or both. I'm also going to be uploading the current version to I may call it SEX, short for SwordofMoonlight+Ex. (Edited: "My schizophrenia" advises me this is disrespectful to SOM's original developer(s).) I want to deemphasize SOM because I'd prefer to call it just SOM, but I get a lot of blow back from doing that. My schizophrenia is also making all of my business decisions, because I'm not a business oriented soul. It thinks everyone prefers commercial software to free/opensource software, so I'm trying to be commercial. We just have decided (together) that I've tried free/opensource for long enough without any following forming. People may have a preference for something they can just buy into. But I'm going to need support on the donation based systems, ideally on my own site, in the future, because I think SOM is for game developers, and will never sell large numbers, unless we make it into a media player, and prefer to not distribute games as standalone programs. I think in the future this will be a more trustworthy model, since anyone who makes a SOM game can put malware into their game. It will be better to trust the player only, and not the media. (Edited: I think this will depend on if games are published on Steam or independently published, so players of smaller, independent games might prefer to use the media player model over the standalone game model, at least for the foreseeable future.)

Sorry for the long post. I haven't been active here for a very long time. My schizophrenia is running me around town like a bunch of Japanese tourists, but I need to get out of my hometown, there's just nothing (and no one) for me here, so I'm still largely stranded at home base.

EDITED: My schizophrenia is also encouraging me to approach From Software as I move to commercial ways of presenting SOM. It thinks this is a matter of taking responsibility, since From Software should have a first say in what we end up doing. It's not completely outside the realm of possibilities it might join forces with us. But I'm hesitant to make SOM fully commercial under From Software alone with my work involved, because I think it needs to be for the people to some degree, and its fans can be quite toxic, and I think it would be healthy for them to have the Sword of Moonlight somewhat at a distance from From Software itself. They have a lot on their plate I think.

Devs / Re: EXIT: Coming up for air...
« on: July 01, 2023, 03:39:41 PM »
3d model editor (Alt+click) (SVN Update)

I've uploaded changes to better integrate MM3D into SOM by pressing Alt+Click in SOM_MAP and SOM_PRM and preferring the EXE in the new MM3D folder so it will "just work" without setting up Windows Explorer "Open With" files associations.

The following extension will use the "Open With" file association.

Code: (Ex.ini) [Select]


Note, I recommend associating your SOM extension files with TOOL/SOM_EX.exe.

Hopefully this will help orient everyone who's interested in custom art. I hope this is helpful. The alt+click works wherever the profiles can be opened up.

I'm currently working toward shields. The version of mm3d-portable.exe in this release is stuck and it has a new Reorder window that helps for ordering the left and right arms in a 2 handed arm model.

Devs / Re: EXIT: Coming up for air...
« on: June 22, 2023, 12:20:01 AM »
semi-release (SVN Update)

This is a small release that fixes an x2mdl.dll problem and adds a wind sound effect that plays when running and dodging and falling.

It's controlled like this:

Code: [Select]

;1000.wav is default
;headwind_identifier = 1000

;headwind_ambient_wind_effect = 0.1

sample_pitch_adjustment = nan(se_pitch[1_](2_),2_)
sample_volume_adjustment = nan(se_volume[1_](2_),2_)

The effect can make it seem like there's wind in the environment and makes the wind sound louder until it might be heard when doing nothing if your speakers are sensitive. When it's set to -1 it will do the opposite, making the ambient wind more crisp than the default, which is 0. Altering the volume and pitch is also possible.

The formula is tailored to the default human/earth like movement and gravity. It's loudest when falling from high above and doesn't get that loud when running. It's meant to be inaudible when walking and jogging. It depends a lot on BGM volume though if you can hear it or not, especially when dashing/dodging. It'll probably get fine-tuned more in the future, but this is something I've planned for falling for a very long time.

Devs / Re: EXIT: Coming up for air...
« on: June 18, 2023, 02:45:33 AM »
semi-release (SVN Update)

I've increased the size of the download a lot by adding a full KING'S FIELD folder with English and Japanese versions.

This release also replaces the movie player and uses mp4 for KING'S FIELD.

Playing movies has been a problem for a while. The code is supposed to play DRM video but I haven't tried it. The Microsoft demo I got it from doesn't do anything else special but I haven't tested it with a DRM protected movie that I know for certain. It uses Media Foundation.

I may turn this into a blog post if I think the project is ready for it. It's currently using the translation work done for the SOM patch on which I know JDO wrote and DMPDesign inputted into SOM. There's a vocal track for the English movies who I don't know who to credit for (

I've asked TheStolenBattenberg to help upscale these movies, but they're not up that way yet. The text may be an issue.

Devs / EXIT: Coming up for air...
« on: June 10, 2023, 09:28:27 PM »
Before I begin I’ve been in the habit of hiding past posts of late. The current most recent post dates back to April last year. I’m sorry. Anyone paying attention to me will have seen me going through a lot of contortions concerning my lifestyle and life course. Right now I have a kind of semi-benign schizophrenia that doesn’t interfere with my ability to think, however it disrupts my life a lot. I’ve been trying to cover my tracks.

I’m currently trying to tie up unpaid work on Sword of Moonlight in order to try to begin publishing a paid “early access” version. I haven’t had success with a Patreon model thus far, but I want everyone reading this to join me at and a new alternative called SubscribeStar I’m just starting out setting up.

In all these unpublished posts I’ve done some difficult work on order-independent transparency and most recently I’ve completed the new art import system by making icons be generated by default when making use of the art system. A preview is here showing how shading and lines are used to distinguish otherwise identical tile models.

These tiles come from my King’s Field II project. My schizophrenia is slowing me down on it. It also can help, surprisingly, since my brain talks to me and seems capable of programming computers. But it mostly slows me down. I’m having to recast my life/lifestyle, and reconsider if I can hit a 2025 self-imposed deadline or not. I’m trying to sleep less, and I’m out and about a lot more than I’ve been in the past decade since I started working exclusively on Sword of Moonlight. I’m active, and spreading my activities across many different areas of interest. I’m trying to take Sword of Moonlight to the next level in terms of using it to become financially independent. I’m also pursuing disability benefits, but truly I need economic support from everyone. That means you. I know a lot of people are interested in my effort, but don’t support me materially. I want you to really ask yourself if you can do that for me? I’ve put so many years of full-time work into this to arrive at this point. And it’s hard on me to ask myself if I should carry on or not, when my heart says I must, but my outlook says I can’t sustain this forever.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me in the past and present and in the future too! Please join us. For those who do not I want to try to get Sword of Moonlight onto Steam. I just have to figure out if it’s going to be compatible with its launcher. And I’m going to put the current version on soon. I intend to add a few more features to it, but in the future I’m going to publish new features based on fundraising goals and sales figures. This is overdue, and I really have no choice at this point. Once set up on Steam I’m going to approach From Software to see if they are interested in collaborating on a physical edition of Sword of Moonlight with a developer license, and program something like SOM_RUN, for the paid version. It’s going to be “early access” for a while, and it’s going to need guides to be written. It will stay there until it has everything a paid product should have.

Here's more information in the main thread:

To update I recommend SVN Update and redownload your theme/language package for a new big map editor mode. has a direct download link that I must patch up right now.

EDITED: I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row, including putting the King's Field 1 sample back into the package. I've removed the CODE folder and put it on Github instead at with a Ghidra database too.

Devs / Re: SOM_MAP icons: new "art system" progress in 2023
« on: June 09, 2023, 05:59:58 AM »

I've uploaded my work for having a big editor and tiles like in the link above. I'm going to package it into a blog post ASAP.


Language packs for big editor can be found here:

They go in the text folder, or use the SOM.exe (Dragon Sword) tool to redownload your tool language pack.

Use SVN Update (recommended) and follow the component update prompts, or the following direct download links:

Devs / Re: SOM_MAP icons: new "art system" progress in 2023
« on: June 07, 2023, 03:16:41 AM »
This preview has some effects to help to tell tiles apart when they technically look the same from above.

Devs / SOM_MAP icons: new "art system" progress in 2023
« on: May 26, 2023, 01:41:37 AM »
Here are some pictures of new things I'm working on. They show off generating (very basic at-the-moment) ICO files for SOM_MAP to use. They're embedded in the shortcuts, so you can see them in the MAP/MODEL folders.

Also on display is an alternative layout for SOM_MAP, with a larger display area. I'm trying to make it possible to switch with the min/max buttons.

For the icons I have to play around with some lighting and fog-like effects, and add some sharpening.

Devs / Re: Ordered transparency blending
« on: May 26, 2023, 01:36:57 AM »

This is now in the latest release as do_alphasort. It's pretty good but can impact performance.

Projects, demos, and games Information / MOVED: Moratheia
« on: May 20, 2023, 09:53:21 PM »
This topic has been moved to Demos.


Devs / Re: EXIT: Friends in high places
« on: May 10, 2023, 09:21:12 PM »

This patch adds glitch fixes for the new transparency system, including showing transparent objects in menus in VR.

Devs / Re: EXIT: Friends in high places
« on: April 25, 2023, 03:33:00 AM »

I found a "stack overflow" when unpacking tools from the language pack that could be a source of why I get reports of translated tools (EXEs) not working. I'm really hoping (fingers crossed) this solves the problem that I often suspect to be an antivirus thing when setting up SOM this way.

Note, I've tried to update the new ZIP download version of SOM too, but I think using Subversion should download it faster than unzipping the zip.

But there also seems to be a new problem with running Start.bat where it fails to run SOM_MAIN as a "child process" of SOM_EX.exe on first run because of "access denied" from the ("batch file") CMD console. I guess I have to try to fix it but no luck so far...

Update: It seems that apps from the Windows cmd console can no longer use CreateProcess. It seems crazy, but that's what I'm seeing. Update: I was able to add this back with the Visual Basic Script that installs the Start menu shortcuts. (The ASCII art version of the Moonlight Sword is no longer shown.)

Devs / Re: EXIT: Friends in high places
« on: April 24, 2023, 11:54:24 PM »
minor update (SVN Update)

This update ( adds a pretty good do_alphasort Option to Ex.ini and preloads the BGM when using the new seamless map transfer feature to help ensure no hiccups occur. (You have to use a supported WAV file to be sure this works fast.)

The default Ex.ini file ( for the English translation) now has do_alphasort added to its [Option] section.

What this does is turn all the transparent polygons into a soup and draw them back-to-front. I've been working on this for a while, but it's proved the most challenging little project I've ever taken on, and it took some tricks to enhance the performance since it wants to tank performance pretty hard. It can still use more optimization.

Devs / EXIT: Friends in high places
« on: April 21, 2023, 03:36:59 PM »
To anybody visiting or returning to here, I’ve not dropped the ball on Sword of Moonlight and everything else, but I’ve been going through a lot in the past months that’s been spurred on by a “supernatural” string of daily events pushing and pulling me in different directions. I want to say it’s all in my head and I need some kind of medical attention, but the truth is there’s not really a medical solution and it’s not medical seeming at all. I’ve had a day job for less than 2.5 months, that I had to quit because the work environment was surprisingly bad, even though the job itself was a really good fit for me. I’m also trying to fit work on projects into my life. But I’m being regularly encouraged to find friends, and even make a family. But something about the “path” I’m walking is showing me how difficult or impossible that can be in our world today under my circumstances. I think I’m not alone in this. So, I just want everyone to know, that I really need to make friends somehow okay. I know that not everyone has a platform like a website, like this, and a game dev project/system to be able to reach out like I’m doing now. And right now this site has problems, including that email notifications aren’t working, so people (you) can’t even register with it until I can figure out what’s stopped working in the past few months.

You can leave a comment on this post if you want to get in touch so we can register you or help you out with Sword of Moonlight or even hang out. is a permanent Discord invite, where you can contact me on Discord as “m.” in there. #7761 is my full ID if you want to make direct contact, if that’s simpler for you. I’ve tried to find places to meet people in my city and just about every dating app, and it’s not working out for me. I’ve tried using Discord in meetup groups, to some extent, where young people are teenagers. It seems like right now it’s very hard to make contact with anyone if you’re alone, which I think a lot of us probably are now. My city isn’t a big city, I’m thinking of going to swimming pools soon, I mean, cities seem like bigger ghost towns right now than King’s Field’s towns. I wouldn’t have thought it until I really tried to. I was most surprised by dating apps. I mean they don’t work at all, they’re gold digging scams, and it’s almost impossible to meet people through them. So, where I stand is, please, if you believe in this project, let’s talk and be in a loop together. I’m trying to get my act together, but this may be my final front page post for a while.

I’m still working bugs out of the new order-independent transparency feature that’s become my focus of late. I’m aware of some performance problems. A generic transparency system (sorting triangles by screen depth) is a tall order. It’s something that I hope will make Sword of Moonlight standout since it’s something modern games have given up on making work.

Meanwhile my life is pretty weird, and I’m trying to clean up my house and family land.

FYI I'm planning to be adding new release information to this topic/thread going forward. Right now I'm debugging some things. I have every indication I should be sticking with Sword of Moonlight and King's Field, but my life it tumultuous now, and eventually I'm going to have to start looking for a new job to have some spending money. I'm continuing to get less sleep to try to make up the difference. I wish everyone well.

Devs / Re: EXIT: It's just work
« on: March 11, 2023, 03:35:41 AM »
I apologize, it's taken me a long time to crank this out. I ran into a couple bugs that were hard to hunt down with my diminished schedule.

You should use SVN Update to get SomEx.csv to apply this kind of update.

Direct download: (advanced)

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