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x2mdl/x2mm3d download (2021)

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Holey Moley:
new MM3D release

https://github.com/mick-p1982/mm3d/releases/tag/win32-dec-2021 is a new version of the makeshift 3D modeling software I've developed which is meant to work with the new SOM model files I'm going to be publishing any day now. I've added notes above.

Strike-out: Please use this link https://github.com/mick-p1982/mm3d/releases for newer versions.

I had a really bad evening with it because for some its app always starts slow (something about wxWidgets) but now I got it to start fast but it would show a busy cursor (IDC_APPSTARTING) for like 5 seconds at the start. It was really dumb because the app worked fine. I spent hours trying to make it go away through programming fixes until it went away for mysterious reasons, at the very end... that I don't want to speculate on further. I just want to relate a frustrating evening sitting in the cold. It doesn't help I'm missing a cat lately.

There will be new and improved versions of the other tools/apps here in the coming days. They need to go up after the new release does. There's now (shortly) a version of x2mdl built-into SOM (technically a new DLL file) so using x2mdl/cpgen should be a thing of the past, but the renaming trick for x2mm3d.exe is still pretty useful to convert Assimp's formats to this MM3D format. The new system isn't technically limited to MM3D but I haven't worked with other formats, most don't have everything SOM needs. There will probably be issues with control-points that would need to be ironed out in order to use different formats. CPs are the most annoying part honestly.

There are some new convenient command-line switches for x2mdl but I haven't yet staked out ones for changing the output mode and the output location.

Holey Moley:
final update

As of tonight I'm finally at the end of this project... luckily though at the very end I noticed a problem with an animation not matching its original, so I just have to work that out and probably endeavor to recheck/reconvert every single thing one last time. Unless this stumps me tomorrow I should be able to publish it by tomorrow.

BTW, RE my last post (#10) in here I've definitely, since, fixed/improved a number of things with that MM3D release, which was more just about ripping out ANGLE so I could compile it again and some usual troubles with wxWidgets/Windows. But I'm going to hold off before patching until sometime after the new release. It definitely has a problem with its lighting setup I want to tackle. I noticed yesterday the original author of the old Misfit Model 3D code probably did a very weird thing by flipping the relationships of lights and materials to set up its fixed lighting behavior. It defaults to 20% ambient and 80% diffuse, which would be normal for lights, but this is the materials, and the lights can't be changed (yet) so standard 100% 100% materials are completely flooded with light that isn't useful. And its selection highlight is a red light, which becomes invisible except on the gray solid mode material. It should probable be an emissive contribution instead of a light, but even then it's troublesome to use a single color since a red object will be invisible to red highlights. This is a constant problem with modeling software. It's a problem for the do_red extension to. I wonder if that's why I think in KF3 when you hit the monsters they also turn a little be see-through. And maybe a little bit white/pink too.

EDITED: This round of work has pushed me further than ever before to the brink of exhaustion. I've been working on it day-in-day-out double-time for weeks, as long as I can remember. It doesn't bode very well for anyone who ever wanted to make their own game system that it seems to be a near impossible task except for a very unconventional lifestyle to be able to do it, and even still just making a decent workflow change like this one takes such a large amount of work, when you could look at it as only a small part of the bigger picture in the grand scheme. I'm definitely psychically at my breaking point, and I know I have to a break of some kind after it's done. For the record, there's nothing especially technically difficult in the new code. It's more like a huge mountain of paperwork that seems to never end. There's also something very mentally exhausting about working with 3D model data transformation code for days on end. It's hard to describe it. It can be one of the most complicated/sprawling data structures that exists, and going from one form to another is not always straightforward... it's tempting to make it more straightforward by writing naive code with more moving parts. There's a tradeoff between intelligibility and performance. There's always a bit of finicky math in there too. Transforming between different coordinate systems and mathematical models can be a lot more complicated than you might think.

Holey Moley:
These files are updated once again with notes in the top post (12/17/2021) after a very drawn out SomEx release focused on building x2mdl into SOM and thorough testing it.

Also the MM3D model editor is updated here (https://github.com/mick-p1982/mm3d/releases) to cover the alternative MDO blending mode and work better in a few new ways.

Holey Moley:
Important MM3D fix

EDITED: Yesterday I uploaded an EXE file to https://github.com/mick-p1982/mm3d/releases instead of the full ZIP file with some extra documentation. I've also fixed a problem with materials not having their alpha blending mode initialized that didn't show up in debug builds (this even applies to opening files so it's kind of a big deal.) (There were two places where the value was initialized--a big part of my working on this MM3D project has been refactoring it's really chaotic and duplicitous code.)

Holey Moley:
Note, the official release location for x2mdl is now found at http://csv.swordofmoonlight.net/x2mdl.dll/ (find the newest ZIP file and unzip.) I've added this to the large font download linklinks. I'll still update the other from time to time, but for downloading x2mdl.exe the official is best. Plus x2mdl.exe is now updated in the TOOL folder when updating x2mdl.dll. If you're looking to do custom model work I recommend downloading both (at least for the notes) and ask for help.

Edited: While I'm here... yesterday I found a mistake I made with scaling animations. They need to be remade, unless perhaps if a model only has one animation in it (which all of SOM's scaling animations do.) I've also been making lots of improvements to it lately since I've been doing modeling work on my KF2 project. (I've also been working a lot on MM3D. It's even come to dominate my work lately.)


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