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Devs / EXIT: Let there be light
« on: October 30, 2017, 01:07:35 PM »
October was a good month for Sword of Moonlight. It started with an unscheduled release that turned into possibly the most consequential yet, and because of it I was able to really dig in to Mortheia’s 2.1 demonstration (pictured) resulting in a string of “patch” alerts on the back of the new release, the likes that can only come about from many hours of genuine, uninterrupted play.

Combined with the first surprise release from late this year, in Moratheia’s project Sword of Moonlight appears able to make a fully professional showing. The earlier release removes pixellation from detailed images that form cutout shapes that are applied to two-sided paper thin polygon shapes. It sounds like a cheap effect, but Moratheia makes use of this to great effect, as can be seen in its many fine tree limbs (pictured) and grasses. The second surprise release is more or less an omnibus that started with the simple objective of extending the kind of geometry that can be walked over without encountering glitches, but would snowball to enhance and make perfect the solidity of Sword of Moonlight’s artistic worlds.

Furthermore, in this process, insidious, showstopping bugs were isolated and eliminated from Mortheia’s demo.

I believe that very soon Sword of Moonlight will be suitable to stage a competitive commercial offering. Moratheia appears poised to be the first such offering. That said, that Moratheia exists at all is nothing to sneeze at. Sword of Moonlight is very user-friendly, but also many parts of it are strictly off limits to users, and so I cannot endorse its fitness as a complete product at this time, and do not expect to be able to do so any day soon. Nevertheless, Moratheia is living proof that with enough patience and know-how, Sword of Moonlight can deliver very impressive results.

Read more about Moratheia here (

Devs / EXIT: Escape from Sword of Moonlight
« on: September 29, 2017, 09:10:20 PM »
Seems I just can’t quit Sword of Moonlight! Earlier in September I made up my mind to work on the MHM files that are counterpart to the MSM files from last month. No one really knows what these acronyms mean. I hazard to guess Map Hull Model, and who knows for the S in MSM. Sculpture? Possibly its Japanese.

I thought it’d be a small project, because there is — or ought to be — far fewer MHM to MSM files. I added value to the exteriors set by fitting it together vertically, forming terraces, that look like a strip mine. This is something users like to do with the odd set that is experimental compared to the interiors. It’s the only one that isn’t a level of From Software’s remake of King’s Field included with SOM, an enticement doubling as a demonstration.

I would refine a few 3D sculptures (models) and that would be that. But what I found sent me for a loop; because the hills of the exteriors set were — it turned out — a Frankenstein’s monster of mismatched parts. It was as if SOM’s artists had deliberately applied their craft to solve problems of software; as if the set (set of tiles used to make levels in video games) had been pulled together long after SOM’s software engineer staff would be reassigned to new projects.

I may have discovered this after or before I discovered that my terracing idea wasn’t going to work (without reprogramming) because it wasn’t possible to walk the character along a sloping path that ended at the edge with a shear cliff. This was a kind of geometry that From Software’s developers hadn’t anticipated.

Around this time I was interested in learning more about the MHM and MPX file formats. I think one day I took a look at the MHM files just to have something different to do for an afternoon. I had looked at them before on one or more occasions and what I saw in them never really clicked for me. MPX files are much larger. They are a “map” or a level in the video game. They contain the MHM and MSM files arranged on a grid work, and the scenario for their part of the video game. I am interested in them now because I am certain that they are going to be the main subjects of recent developments going into 2018, aside from the ongoing COLLADA work, that I'll now be returning to, my job done here, and not to mention, overstayed.

Thanks to work I did a while back, but not so long ago in the timeline of releases, the puzzling parts of the MHM files immediately clicked. Before I knew it I was returning to round 2 of that work on a part of the player that I call a “clipper.” I soon became preoccupied with this, and this would last for the rest of September, until today. This release is possibly the most consequential single contribution that I’ve yet made to SOM. It’s a very important part of the player.

Ostensibly I wanted to make my terraces work, and get to the bottom of the scrap metal like MHM models of the hill set. I began by rebuilding those models. And I thought I understood why they were the way they are — or were. But I turned to be wrong. I happened to introduce a doubled-up 3D data point that caused the issues I was experiencing. But in order to figure that out, I had already opened up the hood of “clipper” and climbed deeper down its rabbit hole than in years past.

Amidst this process I began to make unrelated refinements to the clipper and also the motions and movements of the player. Many spectacular in their own right. Too numerous to recount. I kept pursuing the main problem, which basically amounted to bringing sloped features closer to being first-class polygons in the eye of the clipper. But at each turn I would be thwarted, and also find more side projects. So that I just kept taking on more and more until I realized this was going to be a mega release.

Early on I found time to work on the map editor a little more. I added color pickers in classic SOM style to it. The clipper makes the video game a solid world. As a result of this release it is truly solid now, and made perfectly smooth — free of glitches — with complete support for climbable slopes. I event went as far as to try to extend the angle of the slopes that could be surmounted, but those experiments didn’t pan out. My chief concern is that artists should be able to use steeper slopes to construct small, easily trod features. I’m sure I will return to the clipper for another round. I want to wait however until better visualization facilities come online. Presently the MHM information is completely hidden from users. While an interesting act of faith, working with things invisible, it does seem like SOM is really missing something. I try not to carry on with unsound facilities.

It’s not so difficult to see how important a “clipper” is to a body game such as King’s Field. I would say that it is now at a nearly professional level of presentation. And that ambition wise it far outstrips even its most renowned commercial peers. I will include a complete list of developments in the Forum Discussion accompanying this blog post.

I'm still editing this blog post; but enjoy this new release (finally) submitted for the approval of you or King's Field's ghosts.

I apologize for dashing. Something's bothering my eyes. It's either too many days testing movement features (long hours of staring and thinking about how to refine the movements in the computer; repeating them over and over, and trying to find out glitches.) Or it's some damn glasses that I tried anti-reflective coating with because the order form made it seem like I had not choice but to. If I could see out of these things without cleaning them several times a day they'd amount to hundreds of wasted hours... and for what? To not have cool lights reflecting off my glasses :box:

The world (the people in) (their behavior patterns in aggregate) boggle my mind sometimesall the time. I'm sure the creator(s) trying to make a point. I just can't understand it :rainbow:

EDITED: This is and I recommend doing an SVN Update and using the updater to download. It's in the csv directory as always. There's also language pack changes. SOM_MAP's new color pickers require the new packages in any event. They're more a curiosity, though they could be genuinely useful also. But you can get by with or without them. They are just a professional flourish I though would add some color.

P.S. This release's among my best work. Don't miss out. Will say more tomorrow. Oh and for the record, I didn't have time to work on NPCs (although they now enjoy more thorough clipping, especially around slopes) and I stopped short of my list of MHMs to rebuild. I will pick them up later after a well deserved break. They will have to be side projects while I return to COLLADA-DOM. SOM work is so addictive and exciting, but the input problem is the most pressing one. SOM can be nothing without some way to get fresh data into it. :thumbsup:

Devs / EXIT: Return to Sword of Moonlight
« on: July 31, 2017, 02:15:47 AM »
Lately I’ve felt I’m burning out on COLLADA-DOM and so I’ve at least temporarily turned my attention back to Sword of Moonlight. My return so far proceeds on two fronts — or three if you count the slew of issues seemingly brought about by the Windows 10 Creator Update:

Front 1 is the King’s Field II port. I’m beginning by surveying Melanat, made with SOM_MAP, accurate to the King’s Field in-game maps. This is something I’d want to do myself even if there was an easier way. I’ve done some tests and will soon add an image overlay feature to SOM_MAP.

Front 2 is to make technical changes to From Software’s artwork, so it is compatible with extensions I developed in 2015 that enable Sword of Moonlight to conjure perfectly straight lines without “anti-aliasing” perfect for the stark geometric shapes of the original PlayStation games. This was the first practical objective I had in mind for Daedalus. It still is.

I’ve web searched the landscape in vain. I’ve concluded developing a new editing software is unavoidable. It’s not the only way, but it’s the only way that doesn’t make me uncomfortable.

I’ve settled on borrowing from a modest open source project called Misfit Model 3D. In order to carry out software, programmers methodically pore over problem domains, and this is the molten core value of a baseline competent code base. By carrying this effort over into Daedalus I sidestep having to do that myself (up to a point) and am liberated to be more creative and less necessitous. While I feel like I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel this time, I’m also feeling positive about this arrangement, even if it is just an instinct.

In July I inadvertently preoccupied myself porting COLLADA-DOM (2.5) to POSIX environments: Cygwin; and then Linux on Windows 10. I used CMake to do this. I’d never used CMake. It doesn’t have a precompiled-header framework. COLLADA-DOM requires one. So I developed one.


Devs / EXIT: ColladaDOM 3 Reference Viewer
« on: May 31, 2017, 04:56:50 PM »
It’s deadline time again. All I can manage, again, is a follow-up to April’s post.

Here is a link from some time ago in the forums that leads to a new graphical application that visualizes COLLADA’s XML resources. It works much as a web browser displays a web page.

I am keeping it up-to-date with new capabilities as they come online. There are sample files and keyboard and mouse usage instructions to be had in the following link.

In May I could hardly recall where I spent my time, except that in the previous week I’ve worked extensively on the “FX” part of the application in preparation for taking it beyond the confines of Nvidia’s Cg API that was part of an initiative for the PlayStation 3 but is now gathering cobwebs; Only in the last weeks while I was working on it Nvidia took down its online documentation.

In the week prior I decided to apply myself to nooks and crannies: working on nonlinear curve design and its application to 3-D animation.

Finally I was able to recall the earlier part of the month. In that time I believe I hit upon a practical way to incorporate the newer of COLLADA’s two XML schemas (1.5.0) into the software; Which was a first.

This application is a refinished version of what is very possibly the earliest existing COLLADA software package. By this point I’m heavily invested in COLLADA. I may be the only person who is so. In fact I have my doubts about its future, including my own. It is because of what I’ve learned working on it. That I’ve doubt I can do anything to spur its adoption, no matter what I may achieve. I chose to do this quite simply because I felt like it. That’s how I still feel, and I’m not one to cut my losses and walk away. What this means is that COLLADA may be no better to Sword of Moonlight than if it had its own proprietary format. Which is not good. Because it will mean that COLLADA will only be as good as the software that I develop for it.

I guess if that’s its fate it will be, if nothing else, a stunning rebuke of this abysmal field’s inability to escape the gravitational well its self-satisfaction has made for itself.

To make this software work on Windows you need to drag-and-drop a DAE file onto it. If it's ran with a non-existent, valid DAE file name it crashes. I may upload a new copy just to fix that but it's easily avoidable.

It's hard to explain why working on this indefinitely is integral to Sword of Moonlight's case. It's important technology. However I don't know how much of it SOM will actually use. Probably very little, but the devil is in the details. It's definitely overkill. It's choosing the wrong tool for the wrong job, but what the hell else do you do when there's only one tool? I'm just glad there's one tool. And that it suits me. I've never thought of SOM as a time sensitive project. If anything I think quite the opposite. So what is two years ultimately? :evils:

EDITED: This is open source software

Beginner and other Nonsense / Windows 10 Anniversary Update
« on: November 27, 2016, 12:47:04 AM »
My computer just updated itself to what I think is the "Windows 10 Anniversary Update" but I don't know for certain.

The window title bars are colorized now, although I wish there was a way to customize them, I hope it fixes some of the display issues with the old b/w bars.

There are many icons on my computer that won't display in one context or another, including Sword of Moonlight's. When I try to set the icon, the icon subsystem says it cannot find these files. As if they don't exist. Other applications have icons that display in the desktop when enabled, but not in the taskbar...

I assume these are issues that Microsoft will notice and fix, but on the other hand, I doubt I am an early adopter of this update. It could spell long term issues for "portable" applications??? There were previously problems with icons on network locations. These new issues apply to local disks as well.

Strikeout: after a few hours the icons started coming back, and would appear if the application is run. I have to restart now to apply registry changes to the keyboard map. I'm hoping the icons are not missing again after...

Sword of Moonlight was removed from Programs Menu. I had to run the Start.bat script to get it back. I worry how many of my applications I'll forget existed, or won't be able to easily located. Kind of a hassle.

The program menu icons are displayed. And running applications have their icons displayed.

On the plus side, I am surprised that the Rich Text editor actually received a fix for the bug that I brought to the teams attention. Windows 8 and up had been forcing underlines under hyperlinks with friendly text titles. This is something that long bugged me in the new script editor. I just had to live with the underlines. But now it looks the way it's supposed to look on Windows 10, after this update :updown:

I wouldn't have been surprised if that glitch got fixed. I just didn't think it would ever be backported to the library modules that regular applications use; because the Rich Text editor is more of a component of Microsoft Office or something, that tends to see updates there, but not elsewhere.

Having nothing to contribute of late, here is an article about "crafting" in video games--the only place where I think I've ever heard the word "craft" used as a verb:

I give it its own topic, because I think if anyone uses SOM they will be tempted to add "crafting" to it. Just know that this idea didn't really exist 15 years ago, and our games were just fine then.

Full Disclosure: I avoid any video game with crafting in its vocabulary. I've learned it's a telltale sign of bad game design.

I don't know if twin-thumbsticks is set to be a permanent fixture of history or not. I hope not though, because the right thumbstick is fundamentally broken.

I mean it, in the sense that the right stick is usually used for looking/turning in games like King's Field.

I grew up with the inverted Y-axis model. I notice that games since the late PS2 or so quit defaulting to inverted. I don't know if that was because it's initially unintuitive just in logistical terms or what. But I've long had mixed feelings about inverted look controls...

They made sense I think, until the dual thumbstick mode came about. The problem is the sticks merge two axes, and I don't think the look/turn axes ever quite merge. I find if I think about it, I can never quite get them to behave how I want with complex movements.

I have to "not think" about it to use them effectively. So I've long doubted whether inverted is best or not. I've sometimes tried to train myself off it, just because I recognize I am not satisfied. I'm willing to just see what happens, better or not.

But my sense is that the stick is fundamentally flawed. Using a mouse to look about, I don't think anyone uses inverted axis. It suggests the inversion is more to get the sense of manually pushing a nob, that is a stand in for our heads...

And if that's true, then it ought to make sense to invert the X-axis also. That might even make complex movements feel natural. I only remember a few games with so many options to include inverting the X-axis. I wonder if anyone does it.

What I do like about twin thumbsticks, is that they are symmetric. Even though I think on the X-box controllers they are not symmetric. Probably not on the Nintendo ones either.

Symmetry I think is good for left-handed people, and for whatever reason, by not ascribing any particular function to sticks...

But my sense is, that turning would probably be more natural if it worked like the Jogcon controller, which was something like a simplified trackball.

I don't see a way to break out of this paradigm. One option is to not use the sticks for turning. That might even work with X-box controls, since they have analog triggers. It's not very Sony though. And I don't know if it would work or not.

In theory VR headsets are supposed to make looking controls, and possibly even turning controls a thing of the past. That begs the question, of: how or what to do with the right thumbstick?

In favor of not-inverted X-axes what feels most like turning to me personally, if stuck with the thumbstick, is to spin it. To spin it you have to pick a direction from which to begin spinning. The directions that come most natural are vaguely left and right, non-inverted...

This is the closest approximation to turning I can work out. The truth is, the body isn't like a nob, and the look up/down comparison to manually pushing your head/neck around doesn't apply. It would apply if turning was said to be moving your head/neck, but in games we think of turning as turning the entire body, and otherwise, inverted X-axis would feel more natural.

I don't have any prescriptions. I wonder if we ever do make the transition to VR headsets, and I think that's a big IF, because I think lot's of things could easily go wrong in that transition, and for now anyway, the headsets are still too expensive to be in good taste, except for the mobile-phone based strap-ons ... I wonder if the opposite stick, assuming symmetry, and assuming it's a stick, and not a saddle or bowl (either of which might be a more natural shape) would not be better dedicated to body turning exclusively; an assuming we don't sit in spinning chairs or something and wheel ourselves around by kicking our feet :drool:

If dedicated to turning, or put into a dedicated turning mode, then the turning thumbstick could be made to simulate something more like the Jogcon. I don't think it would be a natural fit, or an optimal shape, but I think it would be a more natural movement...

I think this turn of events is somewhat likely. And that maybe it could work without a headset, if you have something like the PS3 SIXAXIS for looking up/down. The reason being, is the thumbstick is pretty good at looking up and down. But it's bad at turning. It's the wrong shape. It doesn't relate in any way to how our body/mind conceives of turning, and so if you take away the only thing it does well, then that leaves you with a stick, that does only one thing, that doesn't utilize the entire range of motion of the stick, and it doesn't do that thing well. I think the sense of disappointment would push the stick to adapt. I think this is a logical direction to go in.

Alternatively the old look/up down function could remain, and become moving your entire upper body to do so, versus just the neck. If a headset has positional tracking though (which I'm not convinced is necessary) then you might prefer to do that with your own body...

Anyway, my take away is that I am fundamentally unsatisfied with the right analog stick, and my sense is that this is an irreconcilable dissatisfaction. There needs to be some kind of innovation here.

I've been restless of late. I am tired of working on the new 3D model support related software, and am looking for something else to do on the side.

I was just going to make this thread in the main forum as usual, but since Verdite made that thread about working on the tile defects, I thought that this is more or less in the same arena, so I am posting it in this forum as a renovation project.

I'll be blunt. Everyone of SOM's footstep sound effects for NPCs is unusable. I haven't looked into the monsters yet. Half the NPCs don't even having footstep sounds! And many of them have walking animations that teleport in the middle of the step.

This is just another one of those corners of SOM that if it wasn't part of the included KF remake, no one at From Software even looked at it before shipping the final product. After all, you must put the NPCs in walking mode to access these features.

The standard footstep sounds sound almost acceptable, except that they are all asymmetric. It's not clear if they are supposed to be heel-toe sounds, except the heel is synced with one footfall and the toe the other, or if the sound was originally meant for a character with a pronounced limp. It's strange if you think about it.

The heavy characters have a plodding sound that is symmetric, but it doesn't really sound like footsteps at all.

This really isn't a software initiative, although I'd like the PC to have a footstep sound of their own. That is after all why today I made a map with a series of chambers occupied by walking NPCs. This is a larger issue.

1) fixing the animations will only be practical after I can complete my export/import to DAE work sometime later this year. This establishes a time frame for the completion of this initiative.

2) new footstep sounds are required. Where will they come from? I'd prefer to try to mine Shadow Tower or Echo Night or whatever is available from From Software's library before resorting to sounds completely unrelated to Sword of Moonlight. But how to do that? I don't know. Does anyone have experience in this? It would be sufficient to just isolate the sound in the game and record them...

Anyway, I am not uncomfortable with familiarizing myself with the game discs themselves, it just seems like a lot of trouble for a relatively straightforward task at this time. Eventually the sounds on the King's Field 2 disc will have to all be extracted to port KF2 to SOM, but maybe there is a simpler way to skate by for this comparatively minor initiative. I don't have a hard copy of Echo Night. I do know it has a sophisticated footstep sound suite. I will have to fire up ST to see what it is like.

To be blunt this is perhaps the most neglected corner of Sword of Moonlight. Some of the NPCs/monsters may be missing sounds across the board. Death cries may be missing for NPCs also, since that's another dark corner.

Devs / EXIT: I hadn't eaten all day.
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:29:59 PM »
Today I invented a perfect anti-aliasing technique that I hadn’t envisioned. I don’t know that it’s ever been used or independently invented before. Often times I feel like my life is movie.

The technique, like the others I’ve pioneered for Sword of Moonlight during the recent months is unorthodox. It was born out of getting just right up to the finish line and wanting like mad to make it across. It’s completely “free”. Both in the sense that it doesn’t impact performance at all, literally, and is ready for all GPU based integrated graphics or whatever. And in the sense that I am certainly not interested in holding it to my chest. To the contrary I wonder how to get it out to the masses?

I’m shifting my focus with Sword of Moonlight to being all about this technique. The Moratheia project looks like a movie. Maybe I’m lovesick, but it looks like Pasolini’s Canterbury Tales. I’m not sure why, something about the author’s artwork to be certain, but it’s never looked fully real before like it does now. I caught that film recently on Netflix so it’s fresh in my mind.

There is really very little to this. Except it imposes some restrictions, and the map editor tool chain may require special attention. For the map geometry cracks are everywhere, it feels like a PlayStation game, like classic King’s Field, but that’s no excuse. To use this technique the vertices must be manipulated in “homogeneous space” so there has to be common vertices everywhere; I haven’t seen any non-map tile elements that don’t adhere to this.

There are also some trouble with decal like polygons. I will probably see about making everything that isn’t map geometry decal like, but I don’t know if that is universally supported by hardware, and I don’t know how to implement it in a shader. This has to do with manipulating the vertices again. It doesn’t change the depth at the vertex, but it does inside the polygon.

There is a lot to attend to. This movie like quality is so impressive, it feels like it could be a clean break from the history of video games into something fresh and exciting (sometimes my life doesn’t feel like a movie. Sometimes it feels like one of those games, where you are all alone, the center of the universe, but no one else your equal nor peer. That much is a damn shame.)

Just posting the forum version of this blog. Below is some code that will appear in the files here on the site before long. Yesterday I tried many variations of this technique and this is the only one that actually works. It's also the first one I tried. So it's a little bit of a miracle that way.

While I was furiously rearranging this small amount of code to try to improve the effect I kept worrying I'd forget the original version that actually works! I won't go into the details as to why I find it a little bit surprising that this version does work (and to the exclusion of all else) but I do also want to get it on the record. It's really the kind of thing that a lot people would try to patent. So at least I want to have a copy of it up somewhere until I can figure out how to proceed. It doesn't look like much but this could literally catapult SOM into the spotlight over night and change the face of video games irrevocably. It's weird to even think about the implications. Looking at it in motion is almost too much for me to process by myself right now.

Code: (dx.d3d9c.cpp) [Select]
DX_UNFINISHED //todo: combine into float[4]
unsigned period = 3; float power = 0.5f, testing =
Code: (som.shader.cpp) [Select]
#define classic_aa() \
/*sign may be unnecessary*/\
" float4 hvp = rcpViewport*Out.pos.w; "\
" Out.pos.xy-=fmod(Out.pos.xy,hvp.xy); "\
"*sign(Out.pos.xy); "

PS: I'm definitely going to be repurposing do_aa to turn this effect on. And probably do_halve is out, and the new motion blur will be part of do_aa. Technically it's temporal anti-aliasing.

Devs / EXIT: A light at the end of the tunnel...
« on: July 21, 2015, 10:49:25 PM »
I’m not sure where to begin. There’s a new mega-release up. With lots of surprises in store! It finalizes the jumping model, and adds a way to lower the point-of-view 1/3rd, letting you pass beneath things at about 22% below head level. It might not sound like much (these figures are adjustable) but even for the default height — that’s a bit on the short side — this comes out to about a full screen at nose length; which will seem like a lot.

The new feature complements jumping, since jumping now requires the release of the ground-based movement inputs. If you do not jump but instead move away, then you are able to squat/hunker down in this way. If running this is automatically done so that you do not have to stop to do so. If pressed up against a passageway or obstruction, beginning to run will pass beneath it at walking speed, at which point you can stop running if you only wish to enter the space. (If you do not jump while running you simply return to a walking gait. This should go without saying.)

There is the beginning of a way to run at full speed. There is no penalty for doing so at this time. It is not possible to run at full speed when there is not room to stand fully erect. Doing so requires that you hold down all three buttons. This release was supposed to add the ability to look behind while running, by holding down either button, so that when they cancel each other out you run at full speed instead. Run for your life as it were. However because a bigger priority was finalizing the jumping model, all efforts got directed at its complement in order to fill the hole opened up in the control scheme…

A secondary goal was a reexamination of the ceiling clipping facilities; or that is, ensuring that you cannot go through the ceilings and bottoms of things. One way to go through the ceiling is jumping. Of course jumping has been possible for a while, so this was to be more of a critical analysis. Still the addition of lowering of the head height to the control scheme came as a surprise. It meant that all of a sudden not going through ceilings would be absolutely critical; as critical as not falling through the floor. So the thrust off this release shifted radically, becoming an all encompassing appraisal of the clipping facilities touching on every dimension, including bugs and/or incongruences in nearly-if-not-every case.

This came as a surprise, but ended up being a really good thing for Sword of Moonlight. Graphically it’s been solid for some time, but in terms of the impermeability of its creations, it’s been anything but. I’m almost embarrassed that it took so long to take a serious look at this after all of the problems that turned up. It’s truly a case of lacking the senses to see the problems before you. I couldn’t feel the holes in the world, but I could reason my way through Sword of Moonlight’s programming; and in the course of doing so I stumbled into more than my share of invisible holes game-side.

But that’s not the only thing this release has in store! Toward the end of the development cycle I got involved in extracurricular activities. I had a lot on my mind, chief among which was how to improve Sword of Moonlight’s performance profile on my own computers. This meant disabling antialiasing, but not wanting to, I devised a simple stipple technique that I reasoned could exhibit the same pros and cons as basic antialiasing; which did. But even better! It works with the pixels that are knocked out of their “textures”. Normally these become second class pixels, unaffected by antialiasing. (Raising the question: should AA even be used at all?) But what was unexpected is, the stippling makes the telltale signs of polygons disappear so that what remains is pure form, pure form in the form of dots. Not pixels. Dots. Dots simulating points of light.

Mid thinking up the stipple technique I thought to tryout an interlacing technique. Not knowing what to expect, I reasoned it ought to halve the pixel calculations, which in theory would be great, since high resolutions tend to run my computers straight into the ground. I knew it would also create the impression of blurring, but wasn’t sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised that its unbiased motion blur really brought Sword of Moonlight to life. So it seems to be a win-win salve just as long as it doesn’t make anyone motion sick or anything like that! Still in its current form it doesn’t even come for free, performance wise, BUT I have a plan that should actually work to halve those pixels and is more broadly applicable … I’m so excited I’m certain this is the next thing I’m working on. I can’t stress how impressive this effect is. I don’t think anyone will ever want to play a game without it; and of course better performance can only be a good thing.

And what’s more, there just happened to be a problem with jumping/falling breaking down at low frame rates. It may be too soon to say, but the work I did to resolve this issue looks like it may have ALSO solved all of Sword of Moonlight’s timing issues (resulting in a chronically irregular frame rate even under ideal conditions.) I’d never seen it hold a steady 60 frames per second before, but now I do, regularly. I think my video adapter (GPU card) may be responsible for some of the intermittent irregularities, so it’s really hard to say, but the jumping/falling problems are definitely fixed, and I’ve placed an order for a new adapter.

And last but not least, or at least until I recall something else! Xbox-like controller support got added the other day. Previously you’d have to map the Start-and-Select-like buttons to critical functions. Sorry! I just never had an Xbox controller in front of me, and hadn’t really thought about it; although this had occurred to me from time to time. (Still what can you do without a physical controller? or anyone demanding Xbox controller support for that matter!)

SO, what I’m hoping IS that all of this means Sword of Moonlight is getting very close to being capable of carrying top-shelf, prime-time, commercial-if-you-want, video, games. Or at least it feels like this is no longer inevitable, but suddenly something tangible that is almost just within reach…

Pro forma Forum Discussion post. I'm spent. Spent the morning setting up Visual Studio 2010 on my XP box so I could debug a crash on it. Incidentally it's no longer available on It's tempting to drop XP support, but it has a knack for revealing bugs born of logical errors (incidentally the jump from 2005 to 2010 is also new in this release I think)

The XP box actually performed better game-wise than my workstation. Which is good news if I have to use the VR headset that I hope to be working with next month with the XP box. Like the blog says I have a new GPU on the way for the workstation, which I expect to outperform the XP box considerably, but the workstation only has VGA out being laptop based, so I'm just assuming VGA won't be an option VR headset wise, but since OSVR is supposed to be extremely flexible maybe it will be.

I will write a likely longish breakdown for this release tomorrow. It's my bedtime :goodnight:

Beginner and other Nonsense / Turn rate must change. But how?
« on: June 07, 2015, 10:37:20 PM »
In the light of a vastly improving control scheme, I have to admit that I don't know what to do about the turning rate, I just know that as is it isn't ready for prime-time.

In SOM_SYS you have three numbers for the movement speeds. I don't have any doubt about these, in fact I don't think they should even really be part of SOM_SYS. I'm pretty sure all games want these numbers to be 4.5, 1.5, and 90. If players don't like those figures then they should probably turn to the options.

I've been using 70 for a while, but it's kind of sluggish, especially when looking up/down it doesn't feel like a natural speed to do that. 90 feels much better, and 90 seems ideal for cornering when walking through a building with square hallways. 90 also feels more responsive with the mouse, although I'd never recommend actually playing with the mouse.

1.5 and 4.5 are based on comfortable speeds for people and feel most natural. If the character gains speed I can only imagine increasing the 4.5 number according to the speed stat when sprinting.

What I'm trying to say so far is we pretty much know the basics, where to start from. The problems arise though when you begin to dash, and what then should happen to the turn rate? SOM's classical behavior is to scale the turn rate by the dash/walk ratio. At 90*3 this gets really floaty, and even at 70*3 it is unwieldy.

If I knew how to proceed I'd just do it, but I don't, so I'm putting this up for discussion.

Some things to keep in mind...

A) Fast turning works while walking or dashing, and can pretty much fulfill any need to turn quickly. So ramping up the turn rate like this mainly just makes it so you can circle a monster while going from a walk to a dash without adjusting the turning rate (eg. with the analog stick)

B) In general the turn rate needs to be the same on both axes so they move together in a circle. Looking up and down faster just because you are running to me doesn't make a lot of sense. Plus this rule is naturally broken when fast turning in a way that I think is excusable.

C) I don't mind keeping the turn rate fixed really, except it is kind of cool to tap the Action/Dash button to be able to do a quick look. On the other hand you can also do a quick turn this way, but I find the proper fast-turn combo to work better for this. Since it's generally fun to tap to quick dash while fighting monsters it's probably a good idea to fall back on the standard dash/walk formula so your circle isn't broken...

That suggests that if you are not tapping (you are holding) then maybe the turn speed up should bleed out. It feels weightier to turn at the regular rate while running. Again if you need to cut you can fast-turn.

My general thought on this has always been that probably the turn speeds should just be a preference. Almost all games have such a preference, including Dark Souls. But barring not having a way to do that from inside the game at this time. Maybe it would be better to adopt a different policy. There are already extensions for adjusting these settings via multipliers.

I have lots of questions, like with do_dash and do_walk the speeds are modified independent of the dashing button acceleration from 0 to 750ms. Should the turn rate be based on that? 750 is another number, that I'm finding actually feels best around 375, or half 750. This is the amount of time it takes to tell a tap from a hold.

If the turn rate bleeds out after holding, should it bleed all the way out? Or end up slightly/somewhat faster? I don't have any answers, so I'm inclined to fall back on whatever seems like the simplest approach until there is more data. That's usually worked out for the best in the past/feels best at SOM's current level of sophistication.

PS: I say both quick-turn/dash and fast-turn here. Fast-turn I think is common parlance for a special move designed to make a 180 degree turn, or to just turn fast enough so you can do that in an instant. By quick-turn I mean just regular turning while tapping dash. Since tapping dash automatically accelerates to full dash speed and then immediately comes back down, during that time the turn rate speeds up to.

Beginner and other Nonsense / Echo Night series
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:24:37 PM »
Last night I began playing the PSN US version of Echo Night that was released like less than a month or so ago.

I've just never gotten around to EN. For a long time I would play Japanese games, and my enjoyment of them would drop off with a puzzlish game like Echo Night, so I waited, and waited, having never gotten to playing it as a kid.

I was surprised that date on the game was 1999. This could be post-Shadow Tower even, and closer to Sword of Moonlight than any other game. The character models are vaguely Sword of Moonlight like (although) some featuring something like eyeballs.

I really enjoy EN, it feels like King's Field in a new setting more or less. From Software games of this era are like nothing else. I am also surprised to learn just now, sitting down at a computer, that the US Echo Night is the first game in the series. I really expected it to be a situation like with KF2 where the US port is actually the first sequel...

I'm also a little more than surprised about the release dates of Shadow Tower and Echo Night. I remember seeing EN around alongside King's Field, but I guess I was wrong about that. Both of these games came out in and around 1999. I graduated in 2000, and kind of lost track of games for a while around the same time, and I was working too, so I'm surprised I even got in a solid game of Shadow Tower before that time. I don't remember buying it new. Time must have felt super compressed back then.

My guess is I would see EN alongside ST, and not King's Field. I feel like I remember seeing the PS2 Echo Night around that time. But in those days new games would come out yearly, so that's quite possible considering EN2 was passed over for a US release.

I really, really don't like puzzle games. So far the first Echo Night has felt like an adventure with practical puzzles, which I don't consider to be puzzles. But I have a feeling that's going to change before the end of the game, but my overall personal praise for the series will hinge a lot on whether or not it limits itself to practical puzzles. Impractical puzzles just don't exist in real life, and so they detract from the overall vividness of a game for me, and add to the frustration. The only time I experience anything like a video game puzzle in real life is when I am loading the dishwasher!

PS: I really like the artwork in EN, and EN2's artwork looks even better. I really look forward to adding that to SOM's library of art resources for building games. Especially because it tackles different kinds of settings than in King's Field games. I also look forward to adding many of EN's innovations to Sword of Moonlight.

EDITED: I bought EN2 off the Japan PSN last night. It's a decidedly non-From Software looking game. Or maybe it looks a little bit more like a post-PlayStation next-gen From Software game. There seems to be a lot fewer cracks in the level geometry. I'm not sure why those exist in From Software games, and in many PlayStation games, because I remember that many PlayStation games didn't have cracks, although I could be wrong. The manual says Naotoshi Zen (sp?) was only a supervisor; I meant to look at the EN manual and see what his role was there, just as an indicator of whether the game is in-house From Software or not.

At places EN feels like a SOM fan game. EN2 seems somehow more polished than EN but somehow simultaneously less substantial in every way, and more hastily put together.

On TV this morning there was a photo from the internet with a little white dog's head that looked dragon size beside two people. Of course I was reminded of the "NeverEnding" Story movie, and so I tried and failed to remember the name of its dog face dragon. Even stranger is I know just the other day while walking down the road I was thinking of that very same dragon for no obvious reason and I'm pretty sure the name popped into my head then.

So of course the first thing I did after sitting down is look up that name (Falkor) but also I was surprised to notice that the book the movie is based on happens to have some core similarities to KF2, and so could have inspired the direction its author(s) took. There are really just two: There are two serpents that are black and white, and both have a jewel eye (green and red) that are seen biting each other by the tail in a double Ouroboros (AURYN) knot that are the talisman seen in the movie. And not featured so much in the movie, the books other core artifact is "the waters of life" which is like a spring used to move between the two worlds (the real and fantastic) that could easily have served as inspiration for the poison/life-giving springs in KF2 (in KF3 the springs are also used to get around, but don't seem to have the poison-like qualities, and it isn't clear how or why they are a common feature of its landscape.)

Another weird thing about the book is it is very overtly steeped in Crowley-isms. Aleister Crowley's most famous saying is written on the back of the talisman and the name chosen by the protagonist for the childlike empress is Moon Child, which is one of Crowley's narrative fiction books. Also the name of the talisman is AURYN written in caps like a magical evocation of some kind. Needless to say the word Moon appears throughout KF2 too, and green and red from the talisman's gems happen to be the Moonlight Sword's colors.

Crowley's prominence in the story could have inspired the prevelence of demons and that sort of thing, although those were already present in the first game. Maybe the trilogy was already conceived before ground was broken on the first.

Just a lot of coincidences. Timing wise it seems very possible that Japan would've been high on the movie and reading the original book. In the book the protagonist becomes corrupted by the fantasy universe and revels in destructive fantasies kind of how Aleph inadvertently brings ruin upon Elegria, but needless to say it is dark in nature, despite being a kids book (a German kids book)

I've been meaning to buy a copy of SOM (through a second party escrow/courier service of some kind) for a while now. I've just been distracted by an unexpectedly extended development cycle of late. After yesterday's release I felt like doing something different, so I wracked my brain to think of what.

I thought, oh yeah, damn I haven't looked into getting a copy of SOM yet. I first looked for a service, no idea if I found the best one, I wasn't able to find any guides online, much less an authoritative one. Although maybe I should look for the word "proxy", I don't know.

Anyway, most of the services are setup for online stores/auction sites instead of SOM's kind of unique situation, so I sent an email to a service asking for a quote just now. First I had to go to the SOM website, but it wasn't there, for a second I was worried. It had been down for a while a little while back, but came back, although in a slightly altered form.

It's now here ( which I found after searching for Sword of Moonlight. The price has actually gone down I think, and the artwork seems to be new. The search page even turned up some unique artwork I think:

Which doesn't have a proper webpage as near as I can tell. It looks like the add-on jump page is here ( which is easy to miss on the main page. I didn't see it at first, dwarfed by the generic support link above it.

Anyway, I hope everything goes smoothly. I've asked for two copies for myself and don't really care what the cut is for the finders fee. I would probably have requested more copies but I didn't want to raise eyebrows. I'm just glad the offer is on the table. It certainly seems like something that could potentially disappear at any time.

Devs / EXIT: Say goodbye to dirty windows forever!
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:02:30 PM »
It’s been quiet, too quiet. I’ve been at work on a new release for five months now. I wanted this post to be about a release including a halfway usable version of the new tool I’ve been working on all of that time; or actually, the truth is I wanted that a month or two ago.

But instead what I do have is technically a kind of a milestone. To begin with, here I am announcing a new release, one that even warranted changing the minor version number. The “technical” milestone is this release puts a stop to a longstanding problem of debris collecting on Sword of Moonlight’s tool suite’s “windows”; for example when another window is moved in front of one of Sword of Moonlight’s. Luckily it hadn’t been a bigger deal since Windows Vista because it works differently.

However if for any reason you need to use the Basic or Classic modes, or Windows XP (I have a nettop with XP installed myself) then until now there wasn’t much you could do beyond occasionally grabbing your window and taking it to the bottom of the screen and back to force it to clean up its act. Ha! Yeah, not cool. And while it may not seem like a whole lot, especially if you’ve moved on to newer Windows, nevertheless working correctly across the various supported versions of Windows and their various modes as well is at the very least a necessary step on the road to a Sword of Moonlight “beta”.

Of course I’ve been aware of this for the longest time, but to be honest I had no clue how to begin to approach the problem. It was only after I worked on a couple tools from the ground up — that build on top of the existing tools, existing inside of them so-to-speak — when I noticed only a week or two ago that those new tools were not exhibiting the same debris collecting behaviors. For me, that was a lead, or in fact, a clear course of action. And so it was then just a matter of time, both to do the job and before my urge to take leave of this all consuming, time consuming work got the best of me.

BUT wait, there’s more! Also included in this one time offer — er, release — is a new “mouse” input model for SOM_MAP plus a number of quality features I have been sitting on for months, and also a demonstration of the-big-new-tool that is going to be the centerpiece of the next release. One point of interest I’d like to highlight is the text input boxes, which should now include a full undo/redo feature set, and if you have Windows 8 there is even an automatic spellchecker facility that I enabled only earlier today; which I’m not actually able to try myself because I haven’t access to Windows 8 here at home.

Speaking of today: Today I came across two software bugs as I was preparing this release. I had originally planned to announce a forum attachment based demo instead. But if not for them bugs…

Something I didn't include in the post is there is a fancy new "mnemonic" system that works somewhat differently from the standard Windows way. It works with the Alt key, which shows hidden underlines, or underscores, beneath the letters in the button labels. In the future it will be possible to include them in the other labels as well, but that will require some work. The system doesn't press any buttons, but only moves around the screen. You can either hold Alt or press it separately in sequence.

The new version number is Recall that 0 is not used and odd numbers are reserved for demos. There is a demo in this release, but it is part of the release proper, since I decided separating it out wouldn't be worth the trouble involved.

The demo is only available through the English/Neutral language package. The top-right button in the main menu reads "Demonstration" for this release only, or until the language package is updated again. Recall there is no automatic update system for language packages (yet (there exists a fully detailed plan)) so use the "Dragon Sword" (installer component) tool to update your language packages. The Japanese package has been updated too, as has SOM_MAP.exe in the tool folder, mainly to include the new input model, or more correctly to include the toggle button that is used to disable it (it works to select the tile on the main painting screen by default, double-click to open it up)

The "Demonstration" is even less complete than the [?] button in the title bar suggests. Basically you can see all the screens up to the point of adding or removing items from the script/outlines. One interesting development that I haven't written about in these forums is I decided to restrict the timestamp data type to between 2000 and 3000. Call that "the Sword of Moonlight millennium" if you will. The other alternative was functionally 1970 (the so-called Unix epoch) so what's 30 years--compared to SOM-time--right? Of course if you are behind UTC time you can see the last day of 1999.

One downside to this release is the mouse wheel has been pretty much universally disabled. That is because Windows' built-in "widgets" vary in there support for mouse wheeling, and SOM_MAP's grid areas don't support it either. Also I think because the tree graphs have a bug when it comes to scrolling past items that take up more than one line, and I was successful in coding a drop in solution for the bug, but didn't get to supporting the mouse wheel. Anyway, I get pretty upset when the mouse wheel doesn't work myself, so it probably won't be long before I endeavor to properly support that in a future release (edited: it can be combined with Ctrl to increase the text size in the new script editor, but only for the main text, not the various notational elements. Note, not the same as font size, just temporary for reading purposes)

Right-clicking is also disabled except where necessary. Mainly that means you have to know Ctrl+C and so on, and use the keyboard to do that. That's because the text input boxes with proper undo/redo support on Windows don't natively support the right-click function. It's going to be put back before long in the form of an extension that users can configure for themselves if they want. It will probably have some entries in the default config files too.

There was a minor bug where SOM_MAP would minimize when clicking its title bar, even if it wasn't the active window (it's supposed to minimize if it is) but the two bugs in the blog post are more serious than that. One involved the media selection elements in SOM_MAP's programming area being disabled, because they were confused for the Record button on the tile popup screen (so it would only happen if programming an event above that screen) and the other bug, probably harmless wasn't creating placeholders for all of the items in SOM_MAP, it would stop around 243 on my workstation, but that's just because the file buffer seemed to only go that far for some reason... kind of weird because the other PRM files are even longer and I don't think they were exhibiting problems. The last one would be dangerous, but it basically just changed the value FFFF to FFFE so that the empty slots would be included, so even though it was altering the wrong bytes after 243 items, those bytes would've had to been FFFF to be altered, and valid records wouldn't even have that number in them I think. Still it's important to show all 250 items... even if they are only placeholders.

Oh and you know, What a relief! SOM works in classic/basic mode now. That's been a sinking feeling for me for a while, and it's good to know that if I end up stranded using my XP box for a while sometime in the future I won't have to suffer that awful experience. Consider it one major fish fried :yumm: :aroused:

Hah! Funny, I never knew it but that last emoticon is actually called "aroused". I guess so? It's almost flirting with the "innocent" emoticon in the menu next to it :5innocent2:

EDITED: I've also added a private build of ResEdit to the text folder ( along with a file explaining why it's there. Kind of unfortunate. I hope the situation isn't permanent. I'm going to get the source code up before long too, but the only other updated file is SomEx.csv in the TOOL folder (used by the updater to update to and SOM_MAP.exe (which is in Japanese)

Of course don't forget to update the English/Neutral language package. Again, use SOM.exe (a.k.a. Dragon Sword) to do that. There is an option to access the language setup system for tools in its top-menu.

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