Sword of Moonlight > Beginner and other Nonsense

Issues Getting Started with Custom Objects

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Holey Moley:
EDITED: Since you are using x2mdl already, know that if your models in SOM_MAP look like they are broken into their constituent pieces and dumped on the ground around 0,0,0 that's because your exporter puts them all at 0,0,0 which is not how SOM's files work. In the game it works the same, but SOM_MAP just shows the unanimated model. x2mdl has a command-line option to tell it an animation to use, that it will use to convert your animations so that it looks right in SOM_MAP.

I didn't used to publish x2mdl but after a while it made more sense to just put it in the TOOL folder I think. For a while it was just source code for preservation sake. It's never gotten to the point I felt it should be published. And probably it will be obsolete before I do so.

I only found out this year that the MDL formats use a scale of 1024:1m where I previously assumed 1000:1m (millimeters). The PlayStation format uses 1024 because it uses fixed-point encoded real numbers. So what I'm trying to say is if your models seem a little off you're using an older x2mdl. I remember 10yrs ago being told the models were too small. But no one would follow up so I didn't have a reason to look further into it. It's not enough to just complain. I suppose for Moratheia it never became a problem. I think it wouldn't unless you are trying to fit a door into a frame for example.

Speaking of that, know that no one has ever cracked doors (figured out how they work) but I will get around to it before very long. I've never had cause to. Others (with more cause) have neglected to pursue the matter. All and all SOM remains a black box in many respects. I've plugged away at it full-time for 10yrs, and that's about it. Obviously there's more ground to cover than one person can, but it's slowly coming into its own. It's a tortoise versus hare story. I think in a world where everybody had healthy interests and free-time to pursue their heart's desire it would be an irrelevant footnote, but since that's not the world we live in it will likely become an important platform, unless it fails to capture the world's imagination.

Holey Moley:
For the record, this (http://www.swordofmoonlight.net/ex/help/#comment-8122) comment reports the same issue and for that I tested a New Project. I found that it worked after using the Prepare step and before so the error message is pretty clear. Please tell me if that's not your experience?

BTW: I noticed the do_st extension is in the default Ex.ini file. It's certainly easier to get started that way but I don't know if that's ideal. My game test was in Japanese but I think that's because it's Window's legacy region setting on my system. There's an extension to change the "locale" that's used to select the game's translation text.


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