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Topics - SaneGino

Pages: [1]
Beginner and other Nonsense / Getting started: bugs and errors.
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:37:56 PM »
UPDATE: Administration speaking. The information in this thread is out-dated, so it's being locked. Some of it may be useful, but other parts are misleading because the Getting Started guidelines have since changed. Namely projects are configured with their SOM files now, and the old Ex.ini extensions have been abandoned. This wasn't just for appearances. There was actually a real chicken/egg problem with the old workflow that appropriation of the SOM file addresses very elegantly.

I'm not really much of a computer expert, I went to college for it, but never really got too far, for finances, and since I know little about EX, I would call myself a beginner.  I'm having a few problems, the first of which is the model titles are all random characters, I was wondering if there is a way to fix that, or rename them.  Second of which, there is a file missing.  Kage.cp, which I'm not sure where I can get, nor if it's as simple as pasting the file over.  Thirdly, when i start up a preview, its throws some sort of sound related error, although the sound seems to be working fine.  Is it something I should be worried about?

Thanks. ^^

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